Excess Cervical Mucus At Ovulation PCOS Or Underactive Thyroid?

PCOS Or Underactive Thyroid? - excess cervical mucus at ovulation

I went to the doctors 2 days ago and my periods were irregular for a while since I before the pill a year ago.

I ask not much, but just said that I need for a blood test that I have PCOS. That really bothers me, as I am TTC.

But after the doctors have done some research and found that hypothyroidism has similar symptoms to PCOS. They are both genetic (nobody in my family has PCOS ... but everyone has my mothers side thyroid) I am also very tired and cold. I put the weight in the last year or so, and I am prone to depression.

The only symptom of PCOS is irregular intervals, I have, but apparently this is a sign of thyroid problems.

The main reason why I thought it was wrong because the POS isForms of protein with some moments of my cycle cervical mucus and ovulation pain. I also have a test to predict ovulation and final round was positive in one week ... and the refusal of the next. Excessive facial hair or have not even one of the things the doctor said.

I felt the doctor did not really know about the history of my family to speak at all and wondered if anyone has hypothyroidism?

Thank you!


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