Emergency Oral Surgeon Should I Go To The Emergency Room For Antibiotics?

Should I go to the emergency room for antibiotics? - emergency oral surgeon

I had my molar pulled by an oral surgeon, but the tooth is broken by it, and I feel feverish and maxillofacial surgeon wanted to wait and see if I could save the tooth decay. But now, if it hurts very bad, his face swollen and hot. Do you want me to the emergency room for antibiotics?


Raine said...

Yes, or call your doctor NOW! You can get an abscess from an infected tooth, which can be very serious. If left untreated, it can be on the neck, think back to the ear, all the important structures that are in the face, near the mouth.

Please call your doctor or hospital for treatment. Good luck to you

wcanoodl... said...

Call the oral surgeons office and seek OnCall doctor and see if it is not certain antibiotics or medicine for pain or two call for you. If you do not find someone, then it is in the emergency room the only way.

Mike G said...

You will receive an invoice to be very, very expensive if you go to the emergency room!

Danielle H said...

Yes to emergency care, if one is available ... but if not .. to walk safely in the emergency room
Infection is not something that can wait. I guarantee that if I call on the advice of my health insurance nurse with symptoms .... I go to urgent care or ER
Good luck

MeanKitt... said...

should receive antibiotics immediately, you can also do something about the pain I would.

nursekub... said...

I like going to the emergency room or emergency care before they deteriorate.

ein said...

Yes, in emergencies, but the return to an oral surgeon who pulled his molar is the best option because you can find the cause. You should do this as quickly as possible.

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