Drivers Licence Rapidshare How Soon Can I Get My Drivers Licence Back?

How soon can I get my drivers licence back? - drivers licence rapidshare

I live in Britain and a driver's license in the United Kingdom. He had a benign brain tumor removed in August last year (2007).
How long can I go after? - The doctor was a bit ambiguous.


DaleSha... said...

First, sorry for your brain tumor. I'm glad you feel better and he feels ready to begin driving again. Obviouslly is important that medical advise.However You know the feeling when you drive in a position again. The noises that you manage also done well.

If you are from the advice of the doctors concerned and do not feel quite right, then seek advice from another doctor. Furthermore, as someone mentioned contact DVLA and see if it is to have specific requirements for the medical evaluation is the last thing I want to do, you lose your license. Well good luck and all the best xxxx

Bardic said...

It seems that everything goes well for you, I am glad to hear. You say "hold" a license, so I guess I will not give it or notify the DVLA and should have technically. So you need to press your doctor to be specific about this, if necessary, they refer to their specialists.

Twisted_... said...

Contact the DVLA of the medical department.

You will be able to give better information on how to proceed. You may just need a form filled out by your doctor to get the OK.

Good luck!

The original Peter G said...

There is much information on the DVLA website and find the guidelines established. One of his medical adviser to give him the OK, but up to a year or possibly a driving test

There will always be an England said...

In general, 5 years after surgery, he came to my father

Mummy 2B DEC 10th ! said...

You should go to another doctor, you answer or not, instant messaging is not testing safe?
and then with the DVLA and see what they say and how they are safe in their own interest that the insured

miss_jac... said...

I do not know, listen to your doctor. What he did not say he was probably right. Go to the RTA and ask.

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