Kymco People 250 Road Test Is My Moped Just As Dangerous Or More Dangerous Than A 250 Dual Sport Cycle?

Is my moped just as dangerous or more dangerous than a 250 dual sport cycle? - kymco people 250 road test

I have a bicycle 60 miles per hour (car I can get later confirmed). The streets are potholed and the United Nations, the same area and all roads are full of over 55 mph + 40th Here are some very high, steep hills, where the speed limit is 40 (people are driving 50-60), but can only manage my bike, Hill 25-30. In Texas, there are many drivers who are impatient love to ride my tail and I went through. It is a Kymco Super 9 50 cc deresticted with a modified exhaust system. be at 250 dual-sport bike, or more secure than the scooter I have? I have the KLX250 the fact that the MC, what I want, I can not hear, is a strong, reaching approximately 80 and go as much as 65 years custom.
The point is, more power to qualify in the mountains. This is a car and take the msf Corsica. I see myself as a careful driver anyway (not racing at speeds full stop at the stop sign ...)
DONT I drive on the road. I go to the suburbs are the maximum speed of 40 km / h, but there are many hills until my scooter song
I intend in the wrong category, if you think you have a similar appearance


Chris h said...

Every time you 30, where traffic, "says 50 there is a problem. Get a bike with enough power to do what you do. If possible, take the 250 on the hill, as you say, They have problems and see what happens. You may find that you need a bike with more certainty to remain with the traffic.

Chris said...

If you prefer to move into a 200cc scooter model. Heavyish Except that this is sufficient.

Sport 250 double rooms are safe enough, but you sure can tire for your road conditions knobblies unpleasant tar road grease.

Scooter said...

Your security is often not what you drive, but how they seem to others. It is advisable not to increase their Cager exhaust. You can not see. Every motorcycle or scooter is more resistant to see the back cover. Many pilots died after he hit from behind. The fact is that bikes bigger, more light. They are easier to see from every angle. I have an American flag on the back of the bike, very easy to do. If you do not continue, it is safer to go higher.

shiroi said...

Mopeds are driving dangerously mph in the streets with speed limits on 35th They have already indicated why it so.

40 km / h, mph, 45 riders in the region usually at least 10 mph speed limit.

I do not know the extent of the hills are close to you, but all require 150 cm or greater than one very well.

I suggest to flash the lights so the driver knows, it slows down. Mopeds are not 60 9. Go mph and the Super May, a strange machine, others seem on the road with you.

The Super 9 does not ride a moped or a simple 50cc scooter, you must be very careful in the vicinity of other drivers.

For a comfortable ride over bumps and unevenSurfaces may need to consider a device with wheels, a little bigger. A few inches make a big difference.

Dimo J said...

A small dual-sport is an excellent choice, as long as you think of the road / highways. I drove a DT-175 in Los Angeles more than a decade, only changed the pinion contershaft give me a 65 mph top end, there was just enough to handle the traffic. The best thing about a sport that is how long travel full suspension to overlook small things like potholes, curbs telegraph poles used for parking .... Brand

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