Should My Subwoofer Be Right Against The Wall Am I Being Too Picky?

Am I being too picky? - should my subwoofer be right against the wall

I moved into a residential complex. I chose him because he was so (I work from home, so I have a lot during the day, so I can concentrate). My neighbor has a TV / subwoofer United against our wall, and every day I hear Whoomp Whoomp Whoomp what you hear. I asked them for download, but it is so resistant, 10:30 clock to 7pm I have a headache at the end. Am I too sensitive or should I ask again?


Rckets said...

No, do not be too sensitive. I would be mad as hell. I had the same problem with one of my neighbors when I lived in a condominium. The man had a rare and often as their television explosion was connected to the stereo, so I had to suffer all kinds of noise in 3 hours during the working hours. Even after asking to be polite, always the same. We are almost came to blows over it. The best thing to do is meet with your condominium association. In this way, it will not cause friction with you and your "Whoomp Whoomp" friend. In addition, condominium living units for these things, and probably will help.

♥•○♪♫☼ti... said...

Hell yeah thats F @ # $ you will tell them over and over Dont be nice

Bad Girl said...

Ask again ... because you live in a condo I assume you are buying this property, only to say something now in order to define themselves through the years of misery.

Bad Girl said...

Ask again ... because you live in a condo I assume you are buying this property, only to say something now in order to define themselves through the years of misery.

Bad Girl said...

Ask again ... because you live in a condo I assume you are buying this property, only to say something now in order to define themselves through the years of misery.

Barbara B said...

Have you bought or leased?

Read the owner / tenant handbook of various constraints, such as noise, pets, etc.

The more complex as you have noise restrictions. Your neighbors are more than clear the limits - especially if you work from home.

Therefore, it is appropriate for you to ask them to calm down. I want to put your request in writing - with a copy to the well-maintained complex.

kells said...

It would be crazy .. But if your house is always quiet after its probably wiser to listen to, you know? Mother, if your TV or radio, and in other PPL is, therefore, that the Whomp break, probably not noticeable. But I understand what you say .. i wouldnt want to hear it. I ask you, and if it is lower, the peace and the condominium. but hey, at least smarter than the smart pass in 11 hours .. Right?

Rance D said...

You should ask yourself again. If not report it.

dreamdre... said...

He asked, turning down to .. would have said no ... I sat down with the owner and he or she will come and listen when it ... will do something.

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