Infections After Brazilian What Are These Words In French, Korean, Spanish, Or Brazilian Portuguese?

What are these words in French, Korean, Spanish, or Brazilian Portuguese? - infections after brazilian

Student with a minor in linguistics. Help! Please translate these words in the following languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian, French, Korean,. Simply select a language you please, and if you do not know all the words to know just feel free to post what you do.

Stomach ache
broken arm / leg broken
Ankle sprain
Black Eye
Sore throat
runny nose


Yala717 said...

= French Hospital

azulote1 said...

I know that Spanish and Portuguese
It is the second language is Spanish and Portuguese

Headaches dor de cabeça
febre fever
Stomach stomach pain Dor
broken arm / leg broken Braço queibrado / Perna queibrada
Sprained ankle sprain tornozelo
Silhouette silhouette
Red olho black eye
irritação irritation
I do not know how to say that the hives
Sore throat, sore throat
Brat runny nose
sangoso nose nose sangrosa
swollen inchado
idk what injuries
Wound ferida
Lower lip pierced hurt
Infecção Infection
Crohn emfermedad
idk Stitches
Staples Grampo
, Clinique
Hospital Hospital
Doctor Doctor
emfermeira emfermera

I hope that helps

Mojitos are Yummy said...


두통 headache
열 fever
Abdominal pain 복통
broken arm / leg broken 부러진 팔 / 부러진 다리
삔 발목 sprained ankle
종이 에 베다 cut paper. I have a paper cut 종이 에 베었 어요.
눈에 멍이 들다 black eye (literally "get a bruise on the eye")
두드러기 피부염 rash is dermatitis "skin infection"
Hives 두드러기
Sore throat or 인후염 목이 아픈 것
runny nose 코를 흘리다
Epistaxis 코피
붓다 swollen
Wound 상처 깊은
베다 court
다침 injury / 부상 / 피해
Busted Lip 부러진 입술
감염 Infection
병 disease
한 points 바늘 / 실밥
Staples 스테이플
수술 Surgery
의원 clinical
병원 Hospital
의사 doctor
간호사 Nurse

Mouton said...

For the French and Spanish, try the online dictionary It is fast and precise.

That's what I know in French:
Headache = headache
Fever Fever =
Stomach pain stomach pain =
broken arm or leg on a broken arm = / a broken leg
= Sore throat pain
Disease = disease
= Surgery Surgery
= Doctor of Medicine of the United Nations
A nurse = nurse (masc / fem)

Cocia Ŵyn 'di A!Y said...

Portuguese ...

Headache ... Dor de cabeça
febre fever ....
Stomach pain ... Dor Stomach
broken arm, leg .... braço / Perna broken
Sprained ankle .... tornozelo distencão
Silhouettes ... Silhouette
Black Eye ... olho red
Rash ... Rash
Sore throat ... Dor neck
runny nose .... escorrendo nose
Nosebleed ... Epistaxis
swollen ... inchação
Injuries ... Talha
cut short ...
ferida injuries ...
Lip ... broken lip
Infections ... infecção
Stitches ... Surtur
GRAMPOS clips .....
Hospitals ... Clinical
Hospital Hospital ....
Medical ... Medical / a
Nurse ... Enfermeira.

Alexandr... said...

Hello, a native Portuguese speaker here. I would note the difference between the PT and PT PT BRA, if it ...

Headache: Dor de cabeça

Fever: febre or "com are temperature"

Stomach pain: Dor de Barriga (in general - specifically, it would be "belly" of the stomach and the courage, you guessed it, gut the Netherlands)

broken arm or broken leg: arm / Game Perna / A, or cracked / a (PT-BRA does it)
Ankle sprain tornozelo (although the term would be: "I sprained ankle" = "Torcy or tornozelo)

Paper Cuts: no specific expression in PT PT. U.S. PT not know, but "cut paper" means that we need to reduce the role of both, do not cut the paper ...

Black Eye: Yes, the eye is blue or purple to Portugal, olho blue Roxo, Brazil, and red.

Breakthrough is the general medical term "irritação Pele" or "inflamação Pele. Specific causes and symptoms indicate a specific name.

Urticaria: noneYou go. This will be) as urticaria (as in Latin.

Sore throat, sore throat, sore throat or pharyngitis dor.

runny nose: Medical, Term corrimento nose.

Epistaxis: MD, Term nosebleed.

inchado swollen: / inflamed ao / a

Court: Cutting deep / deep ferida

Cut: Cut

Violation: Lesa

Lip: lip, or cut rebentar

Infection: Atypical

Disease: Disease

Points: pontos (almost certainly likely to be in the same BRA)

Staples: Staple (PT PT) and tongs (PT BRA)

Surgery: General surgery, a large can be called an operation

Clinic: Clinic

Hospital =

Doctor: Medical / a

Nurse Nurse

gcfreak said...

I could help in Spanish!
Headache Headache
Fever Fever
Stomach pain stomach / abdomen abdomen / stomach
broken arm / leg broken: broken broken arm / leg
Sprained ankle sprained ankle, I've sprained an ankle "is often.Literally is used:" I sprained ankle has meaning in Spanish, not so much in English.
Silhouettes: Slash
Black Eye: eye black (if someone put you right), literally, his "eye *****" (Why "****" *****?), but when I say that we use violet. xD
Rash: Rash
Hives, urticaria
Sore throat: sore throat (pharyngitis)
runny nose: runny nose. "My nose is running to me" has a runny nose when the nose is running, "when" streaming ". (Mucus)
Nosebleed: nosebleed
swollen: swollen
Vulnerability wound / deep wound
Cut: cut
Injuries: Injuries
Lip: lip in the mouth
Infections: Infections
Itlness: Disease
Points: Points
Staples Staples
Surgery: surgery
Clinic: Clinic
Hospital: Hospital
Doctor: Doctor
Nurse Nurse

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