Wiring For Mig180 Amp Welder Is It Safe To Touch Exposed Wiring From My Mobile Phone Charger?

Is it safe to touch exposed wiring from my mobile phone charger? - wiring for mig180 amp welder

A small part of the electrical insulator from one end to suspend broke my cell phone charger, multiple strands of fine silver wire. I wonder whether it is safe to touch the son in danger? What happens if the wiring were from other lines, such as electrical cables and overhead lines, exposed, for example, instead? Thank you very much.


yourface... said...

Probably not. Touch is likely, fingers to a link between 1 and another set of cables that could short-circuit. Furthermore, you do not want the water / moisture inside.

Phil said...

The 5 volts from the battery cables will not hurt, but the charger is short and fragile, and if the son is exposed on the ground say, a band of power and work your way inside, not only will you take the switch on this circuit, but can possibly damage anything connected to the system. The 5 volts is not yet strong enough to push through the human skin.

Sal Never touch overhead power lines. Even with a jacket that is above them, the tension is high enough to cook just to be close, you have to touch to make.

Phil said...

The 5 volts from the battery cables will not hurt, but the charger is short and fragile, and if the son is exposed on the ground say, a band of power and work your way inside, not only will you take the switch on this circuit, but can possibly damage anything connected to the system. The 5 volts is not yet strong enough to push through the human skin.

Sal Never touch overhead power lines. Even with a jacket that is above them, the tension is high enough to cook just to be close, you have to touch to make.

John said...

Cable insulation of money just below the floor or ground wire, and is not present in him, but to be sure that wrap some duct tape

swan_stu... said...

No, even if it is plugged in. The copper wiring, which could further reduce the toxin of the invisible hand.

Retarded... said...

It is safe if they are not connected to the mains ...

zezu said...

if not plugged in lol

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